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Drop-In: The global macro and markets outlook – What you need to know

The euro-zone has stalled, the US labour market is cooling and China has only belatedly announced stimulus measures. The world economy is entering what our latest Global Economic Outlook describes as “a soft patch” – but for how long and how soft? And what does slower growth mean for financial markets?

Join economists from our Global and Markets teams for this special briefing to highlight the key takeaways from our newest Global Economic and Asset Allocation Outlook publications. During this session, which will last around 20 minutes, the team will be answering your questions as they address the key points in their reports, including:

  • Which economies look set to underperform – and whether China is due a bounce back;
  • How far and fast the Fed and other central banks will go to cut rates;
  • If equities can keep rallying from current levels, and how bonds will fare as policy eases. 
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