Global Economics Chart Pack Broad recovery continues, but Delta poses some risks Global economic activity looks to have perked up recently, despite a slowdown in China and a slightly weaker re-opening bounce in the US than most had anticipated. The hard economic data have revealed... 15th July 2021 · 12 mins read
Global Economics Chart Pack Recoveries regaining pace after slow start to the year Global GDP growth slowed sharply in Q1 as most parts of the world grappled with renewed waves of coronavirus. The US and Korea were among the few exceptions where recoveries accelerated. But with... 11th June 2021 · 12 mins read
Global Economics Chart Pack Near-term inflation pressures mount Near-term inflationary pressures appear to be building. Some of this reflects factors that are likely to be only temporary, such as the “reopening inflation” associated with the easing of virus... 17th May 2021 · 15 mins read
Global Economics Chart Pack Virus & vaccine setbacks push back timing of recovery The world economy lost considerable momentum in the first quarter as resurgences of the virus and tighter lockdown measures weighed on activity. The lesson from Q4 last year was that households and... 16th April 2021 · 15 mins read
Global Economics Chart Pack Divergence among advanced economies in Q1 Both the hard data and more timely surveys imply that the major advanced economies have had a mixed start to the year. The US has fared particularly well, thanks to easing pandemic-related... 11th March 2021 · 15 mins read
Global Economics Chart Pack Early signs of a difficult start to 2021 Global growth slowed throughout the fourth quarter and most economies entered the new year on a weak footing. We have limited hard data for 2021 so far, but timely surveys and our high-frequency... 10th February 2021 · 15 mins read
Global Economics Chart Pack Vaccines won’t prevent a weak start to the year While the economic fallout will not be as severe as it was with the first lockdowns, the surge in virus cases will weigh on activity in Q1. Vaccine rollouts should provide a boost to the global... 12th January 2021 · 14 mins read
Global Economics Chart Pack Divergences by economy and by sector, for now Recent data confirm that global economic activity has continued to recover from the height of coronavirus restrictions in Q2. But while activity in China is now above its pre-virus level, there is... 10th December 2020 · 14 mins read
Global Economics Chart Pack Worse to come in Q4 despite vaccine hopes Hard GDP data have confirmed that most economies saw sharp rebounds in activity in Q3 after the lockdowns of Q2. But monthly data suggest that the pace of improvement slowed during the quarter and the... 11th November 2020 · 14 mins read
Global Economics Chart Pack Second waves weighing on consumer recovery While retail sales have rebounded rapidly and are now above pre-virus levels in most major DMs, overall consumer spending has failed to reach the levels seen at the end of last year. That is largely... 12th October 2020 · 14 mins read
Global Economics Chart Pack Global recovery has entered a slower phase Economic activity rose sharply in most economies as lockdowns eased during May and June. But, outside China, GDP is still some way below pre-COVID levels and there are signs that renewed virus fears... 11th September 2020 · 15 mins read
Global Economics Chart Pack Consumer recovery wavers amid virus fears GDP data for Q2 revealed sharp declines in activity in all major economies except China, driven primarily by slumps in consumer spending. Retail sales data for May and June pointed to an encouragingly... 13th August 2020 · 15 mins read
Global Economics Chart Pack Initial rebound at risk from renewed outbreaks Hard data for May generally revealed sharp improvements in activity, particularly retail spending, albeit not to pre-virus levels. This led us to revise our forecasts for several economies including... 9th July 2020 · 15 mins read
Global Economics Chart Pack Steep contraction in Q2, but signs of revival from May Available data suggest that world GDP will fall by around 8% q/q in Q2. While China has seen some recovery, GDP in southern Europe probably fell by as much as 25% on the quarter and India appears to... 15th June 2020 · 14 mins read
Global Economics Chart Pack Past the worst, but recovery to be uneven After falling by around 6% q/q in Q1, world GDP looks set for an equally sharp slump in the second quarter. As major advanced economies are following Asia’s lead in easing containment measures, global... 19th May 2020 · 15 mins read
Global Economics Chart Pack Another 5% global contraction coming in Q2 A host of global indicators are showing the devastating effects of the coronavirus and related containment measures on the world economy. The global services PMI dropped to its lowest level on record... 9th April 2020 · 12 mins read