Global Economics Chart Pack Growth is slowing (but not collapsing) Global growth appears to have softened at the beginning of the fourth quarter. The stagnation in the euro-zone has continued and Japan has still not recovered from the effects of April’s consumption... 6th November 2014 · 1 min read
Global Economics Chart Pack Could Q3 be as good as it gets? Although global growth should be a little faster in the second half of the year than the first, it is unlikely to continue rising in the coming quarters. Admittedly, the US looks set for a sustained... 3rd October 2014 · 1 min read
Global Economics Chart Pack Gulf between US and euro-zone widens The US and euro-zone economies have diverged further in the past few months, as growth in the single currency area has stalled but the US recovery has stepped up a gear. Moreover, the gap between the... 5th September 2014 · 1 min read
Global Economics Chart Pack Diverging inflation rates The rebound in the US economy in Q2 from its weather-induced downturnshould mean that global growth in the second quarter was much stronger thanin Q1. What’s more, business surveys suggest that... 6th August 2014 · 1 min read
Global Economics Chart Pack US pulling further ahead of the euro-zone All the evidence suggests that the US economy has bounced back during the past few months, after its weather-induced slump. Business surveys have remained buoyant, credit growth has accelerated and... 4th July 2014 · 1 min read
Global Economics Chart Pack Growth rebounding in second quarter The world economy slowed significantly in Q1, largely because output contracted in the US and growth weakened in China. But this should be followed by a rebound in the current quarter. Indeed, the... 5th June 2014 · 1 min read
Global Economics Chart Pack West outperforming East The US is enjoying a strong rebound after its weather-induced slowdown, the UK has extended its period of rapid growth into Q2 and the recovery in the euro-zone has gained momentum. On the other hand... 7th May 2014 · 1 min read
Global Economics Chart Pack US rebounds but China and Japan slowing The global economy is healing, but the pace of recovery differs markedly between countries. The US is now rebounding from its weather-induced slowdown and the euro-zone is steadily gaining momentum... 4th April 2014 · 1 min read
Global Economics Chart Pack Still on course for steady recovery A combination of severe winter weather in the US, New Year celebrations in China and a planned tax hike in Japan are making it more difficult than usual to assess the strength of the world economy... 5th March 2014 · 1 min read
Global Economics Chart Pack Growth looking strong despite EM sell-off The world economy continued to grow at a decent pace in January. The global composite PMI, for example, is consistent on past form with world GDP rising by around 4%. Moreover, we doubt that the... 6th February 2014 · 1 min read
Global Economics Chart Pack Brighter outlook for 2014? The world economy ended last year on a strong note, led by an upturn in manufacturing output in advanced economies. The pick-up in activity is feeding through to labour markets in many countries... 8th January 2014 · 1 min read
Global Economics Chart Pack Economic activity picks up further Judging by the latest business surveys, activity in advanced economies has strengthened further. The global manufacturing PMI is now consistent on past form with world GDP growth of as much as 4%... 6th December 2013 · 1 min read
Global Economics Chart Pack Encouraging start to the fourth quarter Global growth appears to have accelerated in October, as suggested by the rise in business surveys to their highest levels since early 2011. After accelerating in Q3, the US economy seems to have... 7th November 2013 · 1 min read
Global Economics Chart Pack Global recovery on track despite US fiscal impasse There was further evidence over the past month that the world is experiencing a steady recovery, led by stronger growth in many advanced economies. Admittedly, the global business surveys for... 4th October 2013 · 1 min read
Global Economics Chart Pack Recovery gains momentum but capacity still ample The business surveys for August suggest that the global recovery, which accelerated in the second quarter, may have strengthened further in Q3. However, there is still plenty of spare capacity around... 6th September 2013 · 1 min read
Global Economics Chart Pack Fresh signs of recovery in advanced economies The latest business surveys suggest that the recoveries in most advanced economies are gaining momentum and that the euro-zone may be edging its way out of recession. But these positive developments... 2nd August 2013 · 1 min read