UK Economics Update The race for PM and its implications for the economy Whichever way events unfold over the next few days, it seems clear the next Prime Minister (Rishi Sunak or Penny Mordaunt) will have to work hard to restore credibility in the eyes of the markets by... 24th October 2022 · 4 mins read
UK Housing Market Update Will property be a problem again? The UK property market has a long history of either causing or worsening recessions. But that history has taught both banks and regulators a lesson. So while higher debt payments, falling property... 19th October 2022 · 5 mins read
Global Economics Update From inflation crisis to financial crisis? Problems at California-based lender Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) have refocussed attention on financial sector risks. In light of this, we are resending a report from last October that provides a... 11th October 2022 · 5 mins read
UK Economics Update BoE’s gilt operations – easy to start, harder to end Given that the surge in gilt yields that has forced the Bank of England to intervene in the market was initially driven by the government’s loose fiscal policies, it makes sense that the Bank may not... 11th October 2022 · 8 mins read
UK Economics Update Higher interest rates to trigger a deeper recession If interest rates rise from 2.25% to 5.00%, as we now expect, we think the economy will suffer a deeper recession involving a 2% peak-to-trough fall in real GDP. That may result in the unemployment... 5th October 2022 · 4 mins read
Long Run Update Has the shift in fiscal policy altered the UK’s prospects? In view of the wider interest, we are also sending this Long Run Update to clients of our UK Economics Service. If the UK government’s “new era of fiscal policy” boosts GDP growth as planned, the UK’s... 30th September 2022 · 3 mins read
UK Economics Update Rates to rise to 5% to offset loose fiscal plans and low pound In response to the government’s loose fiscal plans and the resulting weakening in the pound, we now think that interest rates will rise from 2.25% now to a peak of 5.00% (4.00% previously). Rates at... 27th September 2022 · 6 mins read
UK Housing Market Update Market moves make house price falls inevitable In view of the wider interest, we are also sending this UK Housing Update to clients of our UK Economics service. The rise in market interest rates that has already happened will push up mortgage... 27th September 2022 · 3 mins read
UK Economics Update What’s needed to put public debt on a sustainable footing? Long-term fiscal sustainability is governed by what happens to a combination of economic growth, government borrowing costs and the primary budget balance. Since we’re sceptical that the tax cuts... 27th September 2022 · 5 mins read
UK Economics Update The implications of higher rates for the housing market Investors have revised up how far they expect the Bank of England to raise interest rates as they continue to digest the tax cuts announced on Friday. This Update examines what the impact on the... 27th September 2022 · 4 mins read
UK Economics Update Chancellor gambles everything on growth The Chancellor claimed that this was a plan for growth. But unless the Chancellor’s gamble pays off and the government’s fiscal policy boosts GDP growth by 0.5-1.0ppts per annum, the risk is that once... 23rd September 2022 · 6 mins read
UK Economics Update Govt’s fiscal plans to force the Bank to hike rates to 4.00% The hawkish 50 basis point (bps) hike in interest rates today, from 1.75% to 2.25%, was partly driven by the government’s plans to dramatically loosen fiscal policy and supports our view that the Bank... 22nd September 2022 · 3 mins read
UK Economics Update Chancellor set to gamble on growth A key prong to the new PM’s economic policy is to increase the size of the economic pie, rather than redistributing it, seemingly funded by higher public borrowing. If the new government’s gamble on... 21st September 2022 · 5 mins read
UK Economics Update Our new interest rate forecast – a peak of 4.00% After fully adjusting our economic forecasts to take account of what is shaping up to be a big fiscal expansion, we now think the Bank of England will raise interest rates from 1.75% currently to a... 15th September 2022 · 7 mins read
UK Economics Update Utility price cap cuts inflation, limits recession and lifts debt It seems that the size and structure of the Prime Minister’s policy to freeze utility prices is broadly as expected and will reduce inflation and limit the size of the recession. But it will come at... 8th September 2022 · 4 mins read
UK Economics Update Utility price freeze an effective but expensive sticking plaster If the new Truss government implements a freeze on domestic gas and electricity prices then inflation may peak at around 11% in October this year, rather than 14.5% in January next year as we... 6th September 2022 · 5 mins read