Asia Chart Pack Singapore: moving beyond zero-COVID In a bold move that will be closely watched across the region, Singapore is set to drop its implicit target of pursuing zero local COVID-19 cases, with restrictions set to be eased gradually from... 28th July 2021 · 14 mins read
Asia Chart Pack Virus disruption to continue The virus situation in Emerging Asia has improved compared with a month ago. Although cases are rising sharply in Indonesia, daily numbers have come down in Taiwan, Singapore, India and Malaysia, and... 30th June 2021 · 14 mins read
Asia Data Response Manufacturing PMIs (Apr.) The April PMI readings suggest that manufacturing improved further in most places in Asia after a strong Q1. Global demand for electronics should continue to support the sector over the next few... 3rd May 2021 · 2 mins read
Asia Data Response Manufacturing PMIs (Mar.) March PMI readings suggest that manufacturing sectors improved further in most places in Asia. Global demand for electronics should continue to support the sector for the next few months. 1st April 2021 · 2 mins read
Asia Economics Update Asian central banks in no rush to raise interest rates Unlike in some emerging markets, central banks across Emerging Asia are in no rush to tighten monetary policy. External factors won’t compel policymakers to tighten, and with inflationary pressures... 30th March 2021 · 3 mins read
Asia Economics Update What would a global return to normality mean for Asia? As vaccines are rolled out across the world and restrictions on economic activity are removed, we expect global consumption patterns to return to something like normal. Electronics exporters, most... 22nd March 2021 · 3 mins read
Asia Economics Update Improving outlook in Pakistan prompts forecast upgrade The outlook for Pakistan’s economy is improving. Low virus cases, an easing of restrictions and a jump in the most recent activity data are prompting us to revise up our growth forecast for this year. 2nd March 2021 · 2 mins read
Asia Data Response Manufacturing PMIs (Feb.) February PMI readings suggest that manufacturing sectors improved further in most places in Asia. Global demand for electronics should continue to support the sector for at least the next few months. 2nd March 2021 · 2 mins read
Asia Economics Update Is the slow vaccine rollout a cause for concern? Asia’s vaccine rollout has got off to a slow start. This is not a big concern in countries that have contained the virus and where social distancing is not a drag on growth such as Taiwan and China... 23rd February 2021 · 3 mins read
Asia Data Response Manufacturing PMIs (Jan.) PMI readings for Asia suggest that manufacturing sectors improved further in most places. Buoyant global demand for electronics should continue to support the sector for at least the next few months. 1st February 2021 · 2 mins read
Asia Data Response Manufacturing PMIs (Nov.) PMI readings for Asia suggest that manufacturing conditions improved significantly in November. Buoyant global demand for electronics should continue to support the sector over the coming months. 1st December 2020 · 2 mins read
Asia Economics Update Fortunes diverge in South Asia Success in bringing the COVID-19 outbreak under control in Pakistan, Sri Lanka and to a lesser extent Bangladesh has enabled activity in these places to rebound much faster than in India, where new... 22nd September 2020 · 3 mins read
Asia Economics Update Pakistan: end of the easing cycle Pakistan’s central bank (SBP) left interest rate unchanged today at 7.0% and appeared to signal the end of its recent easing cycle. With the economy recovering well from the coronavirus crisis and... 21st September 2020 · 3 mins read
Asia Chart Pack Second wave unlikely to completely derail recoveries Having been among the fastest in the world at controlling the initial outbreak, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Korea are all at different stages of a second wave of infections. With new infections in Hong... 26th August 2020 · 14 mins read
Asia Economics Update Will Asia benefit from China’s strong rebound? China’s rapid economic recovery from the Global Financial Crisis did not play as big a role as is commonly assumed in supporting growth in the rest of Asia. We doubt a strong rebound in China from the... 24th July 2020 · 4 mins read
Asia Economics Update South Asia and the lockdown dilemma Lockdowns are being eased in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh without any sign that coronavirus infections are being brought under control. Economic recoveries will face greater headwinds than in places... 9th June 2020 · 3 mins read