Commodities Weekly Natural gas and coal prices to stay higher for longer We’ve raised our near-term natural gas and coal price forecasts across the board this week to account for the recent slump in Russian natural gas exports to Europe, the likelihood that those exports... 26th August 2022 · 6 mins read
Metals Data Response Global Steel Production (July) Global steel production fell at a faster pace in July. The latest data are broadly consistent with our view that supply will fall this year, which should put a floor under prices even with soft demand... 23rd August 2022 · 2 mins read
Commodities Weekly Natural gas price knows no bounds It was another week of soaring natural gas prices as LNG demand from Asia appears to have picked up and the energy crisis in Europe deepens by the day. Ultra-dry and hot weather across Europe is... 19th August 2022 · 6 mins read