Europe Economic Outlook Caught in the storm (Q4 08) The outlook for the European economy has continued to deteriorate as the global financial crisis has intensified and the international environment has worsened. At the same time, domestic housing... 30th October 2008 · 1 min read
Europe Economic Outlook Inflation dents growth prospects (Q3 08) Our long-held view that the European economy will fare relatively well during the current global economic downturn has come under threat from the surge in inflation in the region. Not only has the... 16th July 2008 · 1 min read
Europe Economic Outlook Major economies diverging as growth slows (Q2 08) The outlook for the European economy remains relatively bright compared to the major downturn underway in the US. Nonetheless, divergences are widening between those economies subject to US-style... 30th April 2008 · 1 min read
Europe Economic Outlook Can Europe weather the storm? (Q1 08) After two years of rapid expansion, the European economy is set to slow sharply in 2008 in response to the combination of weakening global activity, previous increases in interest rates, tighter... 24th January 2008 · 1 min read
Europe Economic Outlook Recovery at a crossroads (Q4 07) The economic recovery in Europe has reached a critical juncture. The general lack of the imbalances which look set to constrain growth in the US and UK over the next year or two suggests that the... 5th November 2007 · 1 min read
Europe Economic Outlook Growth prospects still strengthening (Q3 07) The European economic upturn still appears to have considerable momentum. The one piece of the jigsaw still missing is a significant pick-up in activity in the consumer sector. With growing signs that... 6th August 2007 · 1 min read
Europe Economic Outlook Europe takes the baton (Q2 07) Europe looks set to take over from the US as the strongest-growing region of the developed West this year, driven by the continued strength of the euro-zone and, in particular, Germany. Although the... 30th April 2007 · 1 min read
Europe Economic Outlook European recovery has plenty of momentum (Q1 07) The European economy has begun the new year in good health. Euro-zone GDP expanded at its fastest rate for six years in 2006 and most forward-looking indicators suggest that growth is set to remain... 26th February 2007 · 1 min read