US Housing Market Update New apartments will start to get larger soon Apartments kept getting smaller in the second quarter of this year, with the median floor space of units falling to under 1,000 sq. ft., the lowest since records began in 1999. That trend seems at... 14th September 2021 · 3 mins read
Europe Commercial Property Focus What will COVID-19 mean for the largest global cities? Cities are central to property performance. And the largest are seen as hugely important by investors. But the pandemic has turned many received ideas about real estate on their head and we think that... 10th August 2021 · 20 mins read
US Housing Market Update Bounce in high-rise demand to give way to gardens There is mounting evidence that the exodus from cities is winding down. As economies reopen, we think that cities will come back to life, bringing a wave of new demand for high-rise apartments. But... 9th July 2021 · 3 mins read
UK Commercial Property Update Remote working one year on A year ago, we were just digesting the impact of remote working, but already permanent change looked likely. And while we know more now and continue to refine our views, we see little reason to change... 23rd June 2021 · 3 mins read
US Commercial Property Update Offices set for a prolonged performance divide The pandemic has heightened occupiers’ focus on the quality and green credentials of the space they occupy. This trend is set to impact on demand, with modern, well-configured buildings with green... 23rd June 2021 · 3 mins read
UK Commercial Property Update Can urban logistics fill the void in cities? The acceleration of structural shifts is likely to result in some conversion of retail and to a lesser extent office space to urban logistics use. However, we think these conversions will be... 9th June 2021 · 3 mins read
UK Commercial Property Update Homeworking brings more pain for city retail Retail has been the hardest hit of the major sectors during the pandemic, though hope is returning with the re-opening of economies. But new challenges are emerging. In particular, we think that more... 18th May 2021 · 3 mins read
US Housing Increased demand for larger apartments to persist Increased demand for larger apartments to accommodate working from home is already evident in NYC, where the inventory of units with two or more bedrooms has seen a sharper decline compared to smaller... 14th May 2021 · 3 mins read
US Commercial Property Update Is there scope for office to residential conversions? There currently appears to be little economic scope for conversions to residential across the six major office markets. But our forecasts of falling values and rising vacancy in the office sector... 7th May 2021 · 3 mins read
Europe Commercial Property In which cities will WFH have a larger impact? More working from home will inevitably change cities as we know them. However, cities are more than just workers. This means that cities where a higher share of jobs can be done remotely are not... 5th May 2021 · 4 mins read
Europe Commercial Property Update Where is there scope for conversions to residential? Few office or retail markets currently look economically viable for residential conversions. However, expected falls in values, particularly for retail, and acute housing shortages suggest that there... 9th April 2021 · 3 mins read
Europe Commercial Property Update The future for city property In our Future of Property research, we identified important post-pandemic shifts in most real estate sectors. How these trends interact will be key to the outlook for the urban locations where most... 4th February 2021 · 6 mins read
Long Run Update Pandemic will not be the death of cities The pandemic – and the associated increase in working from home – may cause a fundamental shift in the way that cities function in future. But this shift will not necessarily trigger a more... 5th January 2021 · 8 mins read
US Commercial Property Update Structural changes threaten the hotel recovery The hotel sector has been hit hardest by the virus, and we expect its recovery will be slower than the other sectors. And, even when vaccines pave the way for an improvement in occupancy, structural... 22nd December 2020 · 3 mins read
UK Commercial Property Focus Higher online share to boost logistics demand by 15% Virus-driven behaviour changes that support a faster online transition will boost industrial demand over the coming years. But we don’t believe the view that higher online spending will cause rents to... 19th November 2020 · 20 mins read
UK Commercial Property Update Home working to cut office demand by up to 10% An abrupt U-turn on workers returning to their offices last month signalled that the virus will continue to dominate lives in the UK into next year. In fact, we think office working may never quite be... 19th October 2020 · 6 mins read