We expect that the global cotton market will be finely balanced in 2023/24 as demand picks up and supply falls across key producers. We forecast that the US cotton price will rise gradually from here, but will not revisit the highs of 2022. The cotton …
18th September 2023
Supplies of freshwater are likely to become scarcer over time as the world heats up and precipitation patterns change. While investment into infrastructure and boosting desalination capacity can help to increase supplies, the costs borne by consumers and …
There’s a lot of uncertainty about how much impact monetary tightening has had in the global economy so far, but in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) the hit to households has already been significant and we estimate that almost all of the impact from …
The recent outperformance of single-family REITs versus apartment REITs appears to be down to differences in the capital value outlook for the sectors, rather than any major difference in rental growth prospects. With our forecasts for single-family and …
15th September 2023
Recent data show Sri Lanka’s economy is now rebounding strongly from last year’s political and economic crisis. We expect the recovery to continue over the coming months, helped by the sharp drop in inflation, lower interest rates, a recovery in tourism …
While policymakers’ efforts to prop up the renminbi and the yen alone are not enough to generate a lasting turnaround , they will probably do enough to buy time until US interest rate expectations and Treasury yields fall back and the dollar depreciates …
The surprising strength of office market rents looks to reflect the increased use of incentives. Indeed, passing rents have seen a sharp decline, with all-office annual growth recently falling to a record low of minus 3.3%. Given an upcoming recession and …
Based on our view that US economic growth will prove resilient, despite the rise in interest rates, and that US inflation will ease, we expect the gold price to fall to $1,800 per ounce by year-end. Since rising to around $2,000 per ounce on safe-haven …
We think Norges Bank will go through with its plan to raise its policy rate by 25bp next week, to 4.25%, and signal that its tightening cycle is over. It is then likely to will wait until around the middle of next year before cutting interest rates, but …
Given our dovish view of monetary policy in Emerging Markets (EMs) – and our increasingly less bearish view of the US economy – we think that EM local-currency government bond yields will fall across the board in the next couple of years, particularly in …
14th September 2023
We’ve revised up our projections for the S&P 500 and the 10-year Treasury yield, but still expect both to fall a bit by the end of this year. We have also tweaked our forecast for the US dollar. We had been projecting that the S&P 500 would struggle over …
The Riksbank looks all but certain to follow the ECB’s example and raise its key policy rate by 25bp next week, to 4.0%. However, while that could mark the end of its tightening cycle, on balance we think It is more likely to deliver one last hike, in …
On balance, we think the SNB will look through the recent low inflation and hike rates by 25bp one last time to 2.00%, given policymakers’ previous hawkish commentary. But with the economy stagnating in Q2 and wage growth suppressed, we would not be …
Yesterday, we hosted a Drop-in webinar taking a closer look at the state of play in Egypt and whether the country can get its IMF deal back of track. You can view on-demand here . This Update addresses some of the questions we received during the event. …
Today’s 25bp rate hike by the ECB probably brings its tightening cycle to an end. Given our view that underlying inflation will ease only gradually even though the euro-zone is heading for a recession, we think policymakers will leave rates at this record …
We think the recent rally in the iron ore price will soon go into reverse. Steel demand in China has surged in recent months, but we think that will prove temporary. China’s steelmakers should cut back on production once the boost to demand from a pick-up …
Note: Join our online briefing on Tuesday, 19 th September about oil prices and the risks to the global inflation outlook. Register here . While we think Saudi Arabia and Russia’s supply cuts, which have sent oil prices surging in recent weeks, will be …
CPI food inflation has remained elevated in recent months but, with wholesale price growth easing rapidly, we are confident it will soon fall sharply. That will help to offset the impact of higher oil prices on energy inflation and means there is still …
South Africa’s unemployment rate has dropped back over the past year or so but it remains far above its pre-pandemic level. The rise in long-term unemployment, which has its roots in both cyclical and structural factors, is particularly worrying and could …
Depressed activity remains consistent with falling house prices The further deterioration of the RICS survey figures in August suggest the peak in mortgage rates seen in July are continuing to dampen demand. And as we don’t think rates will fall …
EM governments’ budget deficits have narrowed and their debt-to-GDP ratios have fallen since the height of the pandemic. But some of the tailwinds that have supported an improvement in fiscal health are set to unwind. Among the major EMs, debt dynamics …
13th September 2023
Although wage growth is clearly falling in the US, the same cannot be said for the UK and euro-zone despite some evidence of labour markets cooling there too. A further fall in inflation expectations and an easing in worker mismatches is probably needed …
Over the last year or so, spreads over sovereign yields have narrowed to their lowest since the euro-zone debt crisis. But while these are expected to widen again over the next year, mostly thanks to falling bond rates, they look set to stay well below …
Data on cell phone usage suggest that cities with a high share of professional, scientific and technical occupations and long commute times are typically associated with poorer downtown recoveries. That is in line with our existing views, but also implies …
12th September 2023
There’s little evidence in the investment and trade data so far to back up the commonly-cited narrative that Mexico is experiencing a “nearshoring” boom. The one sector where there are some signs of this is industrial real estate, which suggests that it’s …
New home sales have brushed off a collapse in overall housing demand, rising 23% in the first half of 2023. More competitive pricing will be providing some support to sales, but the primary factor is the chronic shortage of existing homes for sale, …
After a strong 2022, annual office rental growth has slowed in Italy in H1 2023. And given the contraction in employment we are forecasting, together with increased supply, we think prime rents will largely stagnate both in Milan and Rome until 2025. …
The Q2 Mortgage Lenders and Administrators statistics showed that higher rates are limiting lending and making it more difficult than ever for single-income households to get onto the housing ladder. Meanwhile, arrears took a step up as another cohort of …
The G20 summit which concluded yesterday in New Delhi supported our view that the global economy is fracturing into US and China-led blocs, and that India still leans to the former. While the statement was light on explicit policies, calls to increase …
11th September 2023
The recent weakness of Gross Domestic Income (GDI) is only partly because it includes the losses now being incurred by the Federal Reserve. Even after excluding those, GDI paints a much weaker picture of recent economic performance than GDP. As GDI has …
The devastating earthquake that hit Morocco on Friday evening has severe humanitarian consequences, but, from a purely economic standpoint, it should only have a small and short-lived impact on GDP. The spillovers are also set to be limited on Morocco’s …
The quantitative tools that the PBOC relied on to pump up credit growth during previous downturns have become ineffective due to weak demand. That leaves interest rates as the main avenue for monetary support. But bank lending rates need to decline to a …
Disinflationary pressures easing CPI exited deflation in August, and PPI rose for the first time in nine months. Core inflation remained unchanged after hitting a 11-month high in July, while services inflation rose to its highest in 18 months. We expect …
Market implied rates suggest that investors expect inflation to normalise in the US and Europe in the next couple of years. While we share that view, we think they are overestimating the level of policy rates required to achieve inflation targets. As a …
8th September 2023
The recent rise in oil prices to $90 per barrel means CPI inflation is likely to rise from 6.8% in July to 7.1% in August, but it won’t prevent inflation falling to the 2% target by the middle of next year. Even if oil prices climbed to $100 per barrel, …
The UK government’s failure to award any new offshore wind-power contracts in its latest procurement round ultimately stems from bean-counting stinginess and is nothing that a lot of extra government investment won’t fix. But with the days of ever-cheaper …
Having remained resilient over the past months, inflows into EM bonds and equity markets have turned negative in recent weeks. Inflows into Turkey have weakened despite August’s sharp interest rate hike and while India has continued to see notable …
Although the Canadian dollar has held up relatively well among G10 currencies, we think it will weaken in the coming quarters as investors discount a more dovish policy path for the Bank of Canada (BoC). Despite the broad-based strength in the US dollar …
7th September 2023
Recent patterns in the US stock market are sending mixed signals about the extent to which investors are braced for an economic downturn. Our own view is that equities will struggle to make more headway this year – even if the economy avoids an outright …
We think that the positive impact of lower inflation on households’ real incomes in the coming quarters will be offset by weaker employment and nominal wage growth. As a result, we don’t think that lower inflation will drive a recovery in real consumer …
China’s commodity import volumes rose strongly in August compared to July. Crude oil imports were probably supported by the ongoing recovery in the aviation sector, which we expect to continue in coming months. But greater enforcement of steel output …
The UK government’s decision to block Marks and Spencer’s (M&S’) re-development of its flagship store highlights the challenges in the transition to net zero. In particular, while authorities are using regulation to force owners into greener choices, if …
Developments in the past few weeks have moved the dial somewhat on the global story. In major DMs, there have been more signs of activity softening either in terms of output or employment, evidence of disinflation continues to mount, and it has become …
According to Halifax, house prices are up by 20% compared to 2019 even after their recent falls. But adjusted for inflation they slipped to a seven-year low in August. High mortgage rates point to a further fall in prices in both real and nominal terms. …
The Budapest office market has underperformed in recent years, with rents lagging the rest of the region. While some weakness is likely for the rest of this year, the outlook is improving. With a more limited supply pipeline and improving demand, Budapest …
M1 narrow money continues to contract at a double-digit annual pace, as higher interest rates temper demand for low-return deposits. Broader money growth is not faring quite as badly, since higher rates are also boosting demand for savings deposits and …
6th September 2023
Higher interest rates lead to forecast downgrades The latest IPF Consensus Survey showed a reversal of last quarter’s forecast upgrades, bringing the consensus view more in line with our own. The surge in interest rates thanks to high inflation is behind …
The more cautious tone of the Monetary Policy Report released by Chile’s central bank today supports our view that, once the large falls in inflation are behind us in early 2024 and the economy recovers, the easing cycle is likely to shift down a gear. We …
Excluding China, aggregate EM GDP growth held up surprisingly well in Q2. That said, we think growth will weaken in most major economies in Q3 and remain subdued over the coming quarters before a modest recovery takes hold in the second half of 2024. Our …
The Bank of Canada accompanied its decision to leave interest rates unchanged with a pledge to hike again if needed, but we doubt it will need to follow through. With recession risks rising and labour market conditions loosening, we continue to think that …