Data for Q3 confirmed that while some office and industrial markets in the region recorded quarterly rental falls, weakness was still unsurprisingly concentrated in the retail sector. Core-CEE retail rents have now fallen by 15% so far this year, far …
23rd November 2020
Although the economy partially recovered in Q3, it is still operating well below capacity. Lower employment will weigh on the consumer sector over at least the next year. Office and retail have been the hardest hit sectors, with office sub-leasing …
20th November 2020
This month’s positive vaccine news has dramatically improved the near term global economic outlook, but it doesn’t fundamentally alter our dovish view on EM monetary policy. Many EMs have only small (or non-existent) purchase agreements and face …
The continued surge in COVID-19 infections across the country is prompting a growing number of states to reimpose restrictions on activity. The softer retail sales data in October indicated that this is already starting to weigh on the economy and, with …
19th November 2020
Japan is in the midst of a third wave of COVID-19. Daily infections have already reached their previous early-August peak. (See Chart 1.) Only the Hokkaido Government has responded with countermeasures so far, asking Sapporo residents to consider …
17th November 2020
As investors have digested the prospect of an effective vaccine against COVID-19, many of the patterns in financial markets which have been a feature during the pandemic have started to unwind. One example is this year’s stark underperformance of MSCI’s …
16th November 2020
The vaccine offers hope of faster growth next year than we have factored into our current forecasts. However, the recent surge in virus cases in Switzerland (see Chart 1.), the rising strain on the healthcare sector in Sweden, and steps taken to contain …
12th November 2020
The 30-year mortgage rate fell below 3% last week, but we doubt it will stay there for long. A rise in 10-year Treasury yields means mortgage rates will soon tick-up. That will weigh on housing demand, which had already been losing steam. Indeed, mortgage …
The industrial sector aside, investment activity and occupier demand failed to recover from sharp Q2 falls in Q3, even as lockdown measures were eased. Indeed, in the retail sector, the fall in prime rents gathered pace and yields edged up. In sharp …
Housing market activity is booming as pent up demand from the first lockdown is expended and buyers rush to take advantage of the stamp duty cut. There are some tentative signs, though, that the surge in house prices over the summer is starting to …
11th November 2020
Hard GDP data have confirmed that most economies saw sharp rebounds in activity in Q3 after the lockdowns of Q2. But monthly data suggest that the pace of improvement slowed during the quarter and the latest renewed tightening of restrictions in advanced …
The UK is facing up to the possibility of a festive period dominated by COVID-19 restrictions and Brexit. We think that the England-wide lockdown will shrink the economy by 8% m/m in November and that the rebound in December will be muted. (See Chart 1.) …
9th November 2020
Euro-zone economic activity looks set to slow sharply again in November and to remain weak for a while beyond that. The number of patients in intensive care units is rising rapidly (see Chart 1.) and we suspect that the new restrictions will bring the …
5th November 2020
Political developments dominating the news in Sub-Saharan Africa over the past month threaten to add to the headwinds facing economic recoveries. Protests in Nigeria that were initially focused on police brutality have morphed into broader discontent with …
29th October 2020
Recoveries in much of the emerging world were slowing even before the renewed surge in COVID-19 cases across many parts of the globe. The economies of Central & Eastern Europe will be hit hard in Q4 by their alarming outbreaks and the sizeable tightening …
China’s leaders concluded their discussions on the 14 th Five-Year Plan today. The initial post-meeting communique offered few new details but more may be revealed at a press conference tomorrow. The priorities the Plan sets will shape the country’s …
As restrictions have been lifted in both countries, activity has rebounded. Admittedly, the second draconian lockdown in Victoria will hold back the recovery in GDP in Australia in Q3 and Q4. But we expect the pace of recovery to pick up in the first half …
The latest hard activity data show that the pace of recovery eased across most of the region in August and more timely figures suggest that the trend continued in late Q3 and early Q4, indicating that the initial gains from re-opening economies are …
28th October 2020
The coronavirus outbreak across the region has gone from bad to worse. The Czech Republic has one of the highest per capita infection rates in the world and the two-week national lockdown until November 3 rd has already hit activity in certain sectors. …
The progress made towards the development of a vaccine against COVID-19 has been remarkable. Most experts now believe that a vaccine may be available by the end of this year or the first quarter of 2021. Although Asia has contained the coronavirus better …
27th October 2020
The latest OPEC oil production figures continue to show that several countries are overproducing, which is making Saudi Arabia – which has borne the brunt of production cuts – increasingly frustrated. For now, at least, countries are making compensatory …
26th October 2020
The restrictions reimposed in Ontario and Quebec this month have weighed heavily on restaurant visits, but we think overall GDP will continue to recover so long as more draconian lockdowns are avoided. The OpenTable data show that visits to restaurants …
A faster deterioration in office rents meant that all-property rental values fell at a quicker pace in September. As a result, with yields stable, all-property capital values declined less steeply. But with the rental outlook worsening amidst further …
23rd October 2020
After rebounding by 30% annualised in the third quarter, we expect a more modest 4.5% gain in GDP in the fourth. But recent data suggest the risks to that forecast could lie to the upside, with investment rebounding rapidly and the September retail sales …
22nd October 2020
The growing risk of a second national UK lockdown has spooked equity markets over the last week. We already expect the recovery to stall in Q4 and additional COVID-19 restrictions could easily throw it into reverse, which would hammer UK corporate …
New COVID-19 cases in India have dropped significantly over the past month. (See Chart 1.) Encouragingly, the share of tests returning positive has also dropped, indicating that the improvement in test results reflects a genuine drop in infections. That …
21st October 2020
The slowdown in the pace of monthly GDP growth in Norway in August was driven in large part by a fall in consumer spending. The post-lockdown spending splurge on goods appears to have peaked before spending on services was strong enough to pick up the …
13th October 2020
While retail sales have rebounded rapidly and are now above pre-virus levels in most major DMs, overall consumer spending has failed to reach the levels seen at the end of last year. (See Chart 1.) That is largely because many of the consumer services …
12th October 2020
Inflation has held up better than we had anticipated in recent months. The surge in spare capacity suggests that it could weaken more sharply as social distancing measures are relaxed. But we only expect underlying inflation average -0.2% next year. One …
Record low mortgage rates have continued to support home sales, with the pending homes sales index reaching its highest level since the series began in 2001. (See Chart 1.) But a rise in the 10-year Treasury yield implies mortgage rates will now tick-up. …
9th October 2020
The reimposition of coronavirus restrictions has caused the recovery to stall – if not go into reverse in many countries – with France and Spain most affected. There are tentative signs that the number of new cases is beginning to slow again in Spain, but …
7th October 2020
Overview – Some energy commodities such as natural gas and coal benefitted from a seasonal uplift in demand in September, but oil prices fell. We think that oil and natural gas prices will make a little more ground this year, provided that demand …
6th October 2020
Overview – Industrial metals prices fell in September on the back of the appreciation in the US dollar and fears that the re-tightening of virus containment measures in Europe and elsewhere will dampen demand growth. However, we think that …
5th October 2020
Overview – An uptick in COVID-19 cases in India and in developed economies knocked back many commodity prices in September, with few left in positive territory for the month. And although September’s price action reminds us that downside risks to …
1st October 2020
The latest figures suggest that the number of COVID-19 infections in the region has passed its peak – new cases are down by 35-60% compared to their July/August peaks in most of the large Latin American countries. And strains in healthcare sectors have …
30th September 2020
The surge in case numbers due to the second wave in Melbourne has been brought under control with new daily cases falling back towards zero. Heavy restrictions on activity still remain in place in Melbourne, although they have been eased for rural …
Korea looks to have contained its “second wave” of the virus with minimum cost to the economy. There were just 38 newly confirmed cases in Korea today, which was the lowest since early August and down from a peak of 441. With cases falling, the government …
29th September 2020
Nigeria is facing an uphill battle to breathe life into its economic recovery. Following a sharp 6.1% y/y fall in GDP in Q2, more recent figures suggest that activity remains muted. Admittedly, Google mobility data suggest that visits to retail and …
The speed at which officials in China have pivoted from crisis response to another round of restrictions on property developers has caught many by surprise. Developers might have hoped that they would be enlisted again to help with stimulus, as happened …
28th September 2020
Though the slowdown in the pace of rental and capital value falls in recent months seems to suggest that pricing is stabilising, we expect there will be further upward pressure on yields this year. After all, the rental outlook has deteriorated. And with …
25th September 2020
London’s housing recovery is lagging the rest of the UK. The post-lockdown rise in housing demand has been weaker than elsewhere, while the latest evidence points to no resurgence in house price growth. This trend may reflect the rise in working from …
Despite the sell-off in most emerging market currencies over the past week, we continue to think that most will strengthen against the US dollar as the global economy recovers. In particular, we have recently revised up our forecasts for the Chinese …
24th September 2020
After an initial burst of growth following the lifting of national lockdowns, the latest activity data and mobility indicators point to a slower pace of recovery in most EMs in recent months. (See Chart 1.) This looks set to continue in the next few …
The speed and size of the rise in new coronavirus cases in parts of Central and Eastern Europe is now starting to challenge our optimism about the strength of the recovery. The Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia are experiencing among the worst …
In contrast to many other economies, the 20% y/y slump in India’s services sector in Q2 was less pronounced than that in industry, which collapsed by almost 40% y/y. But we doubt that the “outperformance” of the services sector will last. Containment …
Oil prices suffered a fresh bout of weakness this month amid growing concerns over rising global coronavirus cases, which reinforces our view that economic recoveries in the Gulf will be slow. At the recent OPEC ministerial meeting, the cartel emphasised …
23rd September 2020
The concerns about the consequences for the economy from a second wave of COVID-19 and a no deal Brexit, which have reduced the FTSE 100 almost back to April’s level and weakened the pound from $1.35 to $1.27, seem justified. After all, the new guidance …
The labour market rebound slowed in August, with 246,000 jobs added, down from 419,000 in July, and the pace of gains is set to slow further. The initial phase of strong gains was driven by the return to work of those people that were only temporarily …
22nd September 2020
The pace of economic recovery has slowed in the last month, but that is arguably still an impressive result given the surge in coronavirus cases over the summer, and the more recent expiry of the enhanced unemployment benefits. The retail sales figures, …
17th September 2020