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Faced with the prospects of the growing social unrest, the Jordanian government had little choice but to increase food and fuel subsidies this year, and reduce taxes (on some food and fuel products). However, these measures are likely to divert funds away …
20th April 2011
The social unrest spreading through the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) will result in a two-way split in economic performance across the region. In the resource-rich countries, high oil prices and record government spending (mainly in Saudi Arabia …
The rapidly deteriorating political situation in Syria will undoubtedly worsen the economic conditions in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Admittedly, the country’s GDP amounted to less than 3% of the total output of Arab countries in 2010 …
12th April 2011
March’s PMI data show that domestic demand is still driving growth in Saudi Arabia’s non-oil private sector; new export orders are growing but at a slower pace than overall new orders. … Saudi Arabia HSBC/Markit PMI …
5th April 2011
The scale of Friday’s announced fiscal boost in Saudi Arabia will have significant medium-term economic implications for the Middle East region. Admittedly, the direct beneficiaries will be Saudi businesses, public sector workers and religious bodies. …
21st March 2011
The deteriorating political situation in Bahrain may have very serious economic consequences for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Admittedly, the country’s economy is minor and it produces no more than 40,000 barrels of crude oil a day. …
15th March 2011
A strong economic performance in 2010 did not help ease the political pressures on Middle Eastern countries. Perhaps the economic recovery has actually contributed to the feelings of injustice as many in the region failed to reap any benefits. Although it …
8th March 2011
February’s PMI data show that Saudi Arabia’s non-oil private sector continues growing at a rapid pace. However, production costs are increasing more rapidly than output prices, which suggests that profit margins are being squeezed. … Saudi Arabia …
7th March 2011
February’s PMI data show the UAE’s non-oil private sector’s strong start to the year continues. The index rose slightly to 54.3 in February, up from 54.2 in January. This puts it at its highest value since the survey began in August 2009. (See Chart.) …
3rd March 2011
Saudi Arabia’s latest fiscal boost is important but not the only reason why the country is unlikely to face civil unrest soon. In fact, much of the $36 billion announced yesterday was already part of the government’s long-term development plan. However, …
24th February 2011
At first glance, the West looks set to be amongst the biggest losers from the political turmoil hitting the Arab world. The toppled regimes in Egypt and Tunisia were staunch Western allies. The same goes for Libya, which despite years of isolation has …
22nd February 2011
Following the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak on Friday, Egypt has only taken the first step to economic prosperity and political plurality. The work does not end with the departure of the ex-president as the coming months, and perhaps years, will …
15th February 2011
As the global fall-out from the Egyptian crisis subsides, at least for now, the local economy’s problems are only just beginning. The current regime is clearly gearing up for a fight to remain in power. As violent intimidation has failed to work, a return …
8th February 2011
January’s PMI data shows that Saudi Arabia’s non-oil private sector continues its strong growth trend. The index rose from 61.3 in December to 63.8 in January. This puts the index at its highest value since the survey began in August 2009. … Saudi Arabia …
7th February 2011
Today’s PMI data show the UAE’s non-oil private sector started the year on a positive note. The index rose from 53.0 in December last year to 54.2 in January this year. This puts the index at its highest value since the survey began in August 2009. … UAE …
4th February 2011
We have spent much of the last week fielding questions about the events in Egypt and their global implications. This note summarises our answers. Those wanting further detail and more regular coverage of the region might also like to take a look at our …
3rd February 2011
Events in Egypt are unfolding quickly and further political change looks inevitable. An orderly transition of power is still possible and would ensure that the current disruption to markets in the region, and the rest of the world, is short-lived. …
2nd February 2011
31st January 2011