US Housing Market Outlook House prices will rise this year Driven by strong investor demand, the modest recovery in housing market activity will not only continue into the second half of 2012 and beyond, it will spread to encompass house prices, which will... 20th June 2012 · 1 min read
US Housing Market Outlook Housing is healing Lingering constraints on demand and the overhang of foreclosures mean that the healing of the housing market will be a long and gradual process, but it does at least appear to be underway. Home sales... 6th March 2012 · 1 min read
US Housing Market Outlook Finding a floor The housing market is on the verge of finding a floor. After sliding for five years, in 2012 house prices may finally stop falling. But this doesn’t mean that significant and sustained rises are on... 21st December 2011 · 1 min read
US Housing Market Outlook No real recovery in sight A persistent deficit in demand means that even when house prices finally find a floor, which could happen next year, they won't rebound rapidly. Sustained price gains are unlikely until 2014 at the... 29th September 2011 · 1 min read
US Housing Market Outlook Prices unlikely to rise until 2014 We expect house prices to fall a further 3% this year, resulting in a 5% decline in the year as a whole. Although prices may find a floor some time next year, a chronic lack of demand will probably... 21st June 2011 · 1 min read
US Housing Market Outlook Another year of falling prices House prices will decline by at least 5% this year. The real danger is that a vicious circle of falling prices and rising foreclosures drags prices down even further. 22nd February 2011 · 1 min read
US Housing Market Outlook Not out of the woods yet A double-dip in both housing activity and prices is underway. Prices are likely to fall for the next 12 months, while activity will remain weak for at least three years. 19th October 2010 · 1 min read