We estimate that the leap in utility prices and hike in taxes on 1 st April will reduce real household disposable incomes over the next two years by a cumulative £80bn. The resulting 2.0% decline in real incomes in 2022 will be the largest on record. (See …
10th February 2022
House prices and rents both boomed in 2021, but are set for a quieter 2022. Mortgage rates are now rising and we expect the 30-year rate will end the year at around 4%. Combined with the rise in house prices that will push mortgage payments as a share of …
8th February 2022
Both we and the market are now discounting 100bp of ECB rate hikes by the end of 2023. (See Chart 1.) And given the sequencing set out by Christine Lagarde, it seems likely that net asset purchases will end in Q3 this year at the latest. There are a …
Waves of the Omicron variant that spread across the region in December have subsided sharply in recent weeks. In South Africa, cases have fallen by over 85% since their mid-December peak, and the latest outbreaks have receded with similar speed elsewhere …
31st January 2022
It is possible that equity prices will continue to struggle in the near term if central banks send more signals that they are willing to raise interest rates further in order to control inflation. But without a significant economic downturn or recession …
Millions of people traditionally travel across China to spend this evening, the eve of Lunar New Year, with their families. The tradition has been severely disrupted by the pandemic. Last year, amid a flare-up in COVID infections, local governments …
Central banks in the Gulf will have to raise interest rates in line with the Fed (which we expect to hike four times both this year and next) by virtue of their dollar pegs, adding to headwinds facing non-oil sectors. Outside the Gulf, the main risk is …
28th January 2022
New Zealand’s inflation surged to a 30-year high of 5.9% in Q4. And while Australia’s 3.5% was much lower, it is well above the RBA’s 2-3% target band. Trimmed mean inflation is about one percentage lower, but business surveys suggest it will rise further …
Industry across Emerging Europe turned a corner in Q4 as auto production rebounded strongly. This comes amid signs that supply shortages are starting to ease; our proprietary shortages dashboard suggests that product shortages may have peaked. We think …
27th January 2022
The Omicron variant is spreading quickly across Asia. Daily virus numbers are now at record levels in Korea, Singapore and the Philippines. However, the economic impact of Omicron is shaping up to be much smaller than previous virus waves. Restrictions, …
The rapid spread of the Omicron variant in India has caused economic activity to weaken so far in 2022. But the damage has been much less severe than during the previous two outbreaks. (See Chart 1.) Perhaps unsurprisingly, airport traffic has been one of …
Political risk will be a major theme once again in Latin America this year, although recent developments have given cause for cautious optimism. Chilean President-elect Boric’s appointment of Mario Marcel , the current Central Bank Governor, as the next …
25th January 2022
The Bank of Canada’s fourth-quarter Business Outlook Survey showed firms’ wage expectations at a record high, which suggests that wage growth could accelerate to far above the pre-pandemic norm this year. (See Chart 1.) With little sign yet of a rebound …
The jump in transactions during the pandemic was larger in London than other regions as the market didn’t experience the same drop in supply as elsewhere. That reflected many existing homeowners adjusting to remote working by moving further afield, giving …
Skyrocketing infections and a 10-day isolation requirement for close contacts of positive cases have resulted in a wave of staff absences in Japan. Domestic carmakers already struggling with chip shortages appear to have been among the first victims of …
24th January 2022
The surge in Omicron infections means more people were self-isolating in early-January than at any time since the beginning of the pandemic, although the impact that will have on employment and output remains uncertain. Furthermore, with cases now falling …
#Commercial property ended last year strongly. Annual rental growth climbed to a five-year high, while annual total returns crossed the 20% level. This was largely the result of dynamism in industrial, though all sectors saw positive annual returns, even …
21st January 2022
The Riksbank has learnt from its past tendency to project rate hikes that never arrive. But the single repo rate rise by end-2024 that it currently projects is stretching the limits of plausibility in the other direction. Of course, policymakers will …
17th January 2022
The Omicron variant of COVID-19 is causing new virus cases to surge in the emerging world. (See Chart 1.) Many EMs are reporting record daily cases or that new infections are rising sharply. South Africa ’s experience offers some hope – cases are now …
14th January 2022
There were signs that supply shortages were starting to ease in some places at the tail end of 2021. World trade was its strongest since shortages began to bite a year ago and industrial production had picked up too, especially in the auto industry as …
Housing market activity had a strong end to 2021, with sales and starts both rising. However, after a brief dip due to concerns over Omicron, mortgage rates resumed their upward trend and reached a nine-month high by the end of the year. A further rise in …
11th January 2022
Euro-zone inflation reached 5.0% in December, which is likely to be the peak. Unless oil and gas prices surge again in 2022, which seems unlikely, energy inflation will plummet – we forecast the contribution of energy to headline inflation to drop from …
Overview – Two themes have dominated commodity markets at the turn of the year: the ongoing shortage of energy commodities and the global rise in cases of COVID-19. On the former, we think that shortages will start to ease meaningfully later this year, …
7th January 2022
The economy gained momentum at the start of the fourth quarter and we have revised up our forecast for fourth-quarter GDP growth to 5.5% annualised, from 4.0%. Given the rapidly deteriorating coronavirus situation, however, we have revised down our …
23rd December 2021
The continued strength of the housing market after the end of the stamp duty holiday shows that it was far more than the tax break that kept prices surging in 2021. The three key drivers of demand - low mortgage rates, high household saving, and a …
The Omicron has lifted new virus cases to a record high, though hospitalisations remain low. (See Chart 1.) We estimate that there are around 2000 hospital beds available for Covid-19 patients in New South Wales, where cases are rising most rapidly, of …
While many central banks have continued to tighten monetary policy over the past month, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) has gone in the opposite direction. We think the easing cycle in China has further to run, and that this will contribute to a further …
22nd December 2021
Recoveries across Latin America have lost momentum in Q4 even though, unlike in other regions such as Europe, new COVID-19 cases generally remain low and containment measures are still light-touch at this stage. The situation could get worse if the …
Q4 is shaping up to be strong in line with our forecast. Mobility data point to another sizeable rebound in consumer spending, and strong export data and optimistic firm forecasts suggest that industrial production has bounced back sharply. (See Chart 1). …
Most countries in Emerging Asia have now recorded cases of Omicron, and the experience from elsewhere in the world suggests that it is only a matter of time before there is widespread community transmission of the new variant. Many places have already …
The People’s Bank purchased nearly $6bn in foreign exchange last month, by our estimate. That’s not much in the context of China’s cross-border trade and investment flows. But it was the biggest purchase in six years. Then, earlier this month, while …
2021 is on course to be a relatively good year for most investors. Admittedly, it has not been entirely without its casualties. Equities in China and much of Latin America, for example, have struggled, against a backdrop of growing political risks. …
21st December 2021
The Omicron variant has supercharged the seasonal wave of virus cases sweeping parts of the US, adding to the existing headwinds to consumption growth over the coming months. (See Chart 1.) In contrast to governments in Europe, however, there are still …
While we have raised our end-22 and end-23 forecasts for the S&P 500, we still expect gains in the index to be smaller over the next two years than they have been in 2021 and on average over the past decade . After rising sharply in October, the S&P 500 …
Inflation pressures have shown no signs of letting up across Emerging Europe, with headline inflation rates surging to multi-year highs in November. Producer price inflation has hit rates not seen in decades, food inflation continues to surge and strong …
20th December 2021
Upside inflation risks are building in India. Damage to crops from bad weather has caused spikes in vegetable prices recently. And base effects aren’t helpful: food inflation will accelerate in year-on-year terms over the next few months even if prices …
While the dollar has not made much further headway this month, despite the Fed’s hawkish message at its latest policy meeting, we think the key underlying drivers of the greenback’s rally – the relative strength of the US recovery and the Fed’s shift …
17th December 2021
The Riksbank (along with the RBNZ) is one of the few major central banks not to have a scheduled meeting in December. But with the Fed having put its hawkish cards on the table, rate hikes by the Bank of England and Norges Bank , and a chance that even …
16th December 2021
Much attention has been devoted to the Omicron-fuelled fourth COVID-19 wave ripping through South Africa but cases have picked up elsewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa as well, with especially sharp rises in Nigeria and Namibia. There are early signs of virus …
Governments across the Gulf have begun to unveil their 2022 budgets and tight fiscal policy remains the order of the day. Saudi Arabia outlined a 6% cut in spending next year that is expected to push the budget into surplus for the first since 2013. And …
15th December 2021
The discovery of the Omicron COVID-19 variant in late November rattled UK markets. Equities tumbled, sterling weakened and corporate credit spreads jumped. And, while the initial reaction was not unique to the UK, it does seem that investors remain a bit …
Outside China, global inflation jumped from 5.0% to 5.5% in October, its highest level since 2008. And timely data point to a further rise in November. Base effects, fading ‘re-opening’ inflation, and falling commodity prices will drag on headline …
14th December 2021
The latest EM central bank meetings confirmed that policymakers in Emerging Europe and Latin America are still focused on high and rising inflation (see Chart 1), rather than any downside risk to the economic outlook from the Omicron variant. Central …
10th December 2021
Housing market activity has surprised on the upside over the past month and home sales look set for a strong end to the year. Even as mortgage rates increased to an eight-month high, home purchase mortgage applications have surged, pending home sales are …
7th December 2021
Overview – Most commodity prices have fallen in the last week or so following the identification of Omicron – a new, and potentially more transmissible, strain of COVID-19. However, while commentary has generally focused on the effects that the new strain …
While the emergence of the Omicron COVID-19 variant has increased the downside risks to our GDP forecasts, it has arguably increased the upside risks to our CPI inflation forecasts. The transmissibility, severity and capacity for Omicron to escape …
High frequency data show that travel to retail and recreation destinations, restaurant bookings and flights have all declined in the past few weeks as coronavirus restrictions have been tightened in the face of rising hospitalisations. (See Chart 1.) It …
6th December 2021
Commercial property’s recent good run continued in October. The annual rate of rental growth surged ahead after only breaching positive territory for the first time in almost two years during August. However, given the economy’s headwinds over the near …
3rd December 2021
The emergence of the Omicron strain of COVID-19 , a worrying new variant first detected in southern Africa, has already rattled financial markets. The economic impact on Sub-Saharan Africa and around the world will depend on how transmissible it is, the …
30th November 2021
The Middle East and North African economies are potentially among the most vulnerable to the fallout from the Omicron strain of COVID-19 . The North African economies as well as Lebanon and Jordan have low vaccination rates and large tourism sectors, …