Annual all-property rental growth reached a five-year high in May, while returns rose to levels last seen in mid-1994. But signs of a slowdown also emerged, especially in the red-hot industrial sector, where capital value growth and total returns eased …
22nd June 2022
The rupee has held up better than most EM currencies this month and the recent drop in FX reserves strongly indicates that this is in part because the RBI has once again ramped up its FX interventions. (See Chart 1.) RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das has made …
While inflation is still far lower in Japan than in most places, rapid increases in the prices of some everyday purchases have made it a political focus. A Nikkei poll following the Bank of Japan’s meeting at the end of last week found that nearly half of …
21st June 2022
The rise in mortgage rates from a low of 1.5% last November to 1.8% in April is beginning to weigh on home purchase demand, with the new buyer enquiries balance of the RICS survey dropping into negative territory in May. Supply is also improving according …
20th June 2022
Global economic activity might have contracted slightly in Q2, which would be the weakest outcome in recent history aside from the height of the pandemic and the Global Financial Crisis. Part of the weakness reflects a likely slump in Russian GDP, but we …
15th June 2022
Housing activity is slowing in the face of higher mortgage interest rates. Mortgage applications for home purchase dropped to a two-year low in May, existing homes sales have declined in each of the three months to April and new home sales recorded their …
9th June 2022
Hawkish shifts by the RBA and the RBNZ in recent weeks have prompted us to forecast an even more aggressive hiking cycle by both central banks in the months ahead. Both central banks hiked rates by 50bp at their latest meeting and we have now pencilled in …
Real economic growth is slowing rather than collapsing in the face of the twin drags of higher inflation and rising interest rates. The Chancellor’s latest fiscal handout will help support GDP in the second half of the year. And with the Prime Minister …
8th June 2022
With some important exceptions, including the German manufacturing sector, economic activity seems to have held up a little better than we had feared so far in Q2. We don’t think this will last. The recent strength has been helped by the re-opening of …
7th June 2022
Overview – Energy and agricultural prices continued to rise in May as concerns about supply more than offset signs that demand, at least for energy, could soften. We expect prices to remain historically high but to start to ease back later in the year as …
For much of this year, expectations of tighter Fed policy have driven up Treasury yields, weighing on the US stock market’s valuation in the process. That has changed since we published our last Asset Allocation Outlook , as Treasury yields have dropped …
31st May 2022
While the yields of emerging market (EM) local-currency (LC) and dollar-denominated sovereign bonds have dropped back in recent weeks, we expect them to resume their rise before long . After trending up for most of this year, the yields of 10-year LC …
GDP across Central Europe expanded strongly in Q1 and the latest figures for March and April suggest that activity has remained resilient since the war in Ukraine started. Russia’s economy has not (yet) fallen off a cliff as had been expected. Industry in …
African central banks have turned up their hawkish noises over the past month. Policymakers in Nigeria and Kenya delivered their first interest rate hikes following pandemic-era cuts. In South Africa, the Reserve Bank stepped up the pace of its tightening …
The first round of Colombia’s presidential election has set up a close race between left-wing Gustavo Petro and populist Rodolfo Hernández in the second round vote on 19 th June. The vote was a major repudiation of the pro-business governments that have …
30th May 2022
Talks between Pakistan and the IMF ended last week without agreement, but the subsequent decision by the government to cut back fuel subsidies has cleared one of the major hurdles towards a deal being agreed. Financial markets in the country reacted well …
China’s beleaguered property developers may soon see some respite both from their inability to borrow at reasonable rates and from sliding property sales. Last week, PBOC Governor said that the government would “correct the contraction in credit to …
While the US dollar has fallen back over the past couple of weeks after a strong run, we think that the key underlying drivers of the greenback’s appreciation this year remain in place. Although there has been a small rebound this week, the past month or …
27th May 2022
The RBI kicked off its tightening cycle this month with a 40bp hike to the repo rate (to 4.40%) in an unscheduled policy announcement. The minutes to that meeting show that several MPC members are keen to frontload policy tightening to keep a lid on …
With core CPI inflation still rising, the Bank of Canada has no choice but to continue hiking its policy rate “forcefully’ back toward neutral. All three of the core measures tracked by the Bank are now above the 3% ceiling of the target range. (See Chart …
26th May 2022
A majority of central banks in the region hiked interest rates over the past month. In the Gulf, central banks raised interest rates in line with the Federal Reserve, although this won’t necessarily curb demand in the region. Credit growth tends to …
We think “risky” assets will continue to struggle over the next year or so, even if a recession is avoided in most major developed markets (DMs) . Risky assets, which had already come under significant pressure earlier this year, have continued to …
24th May 2022
The metro level data confirmed another strong quarter for commercial real estate in Q1, though with the usual wide range of performance across sectors and cities. For offices, rents in the larger coastal markets continued to trail for the most part, while …
The recovery continued in the Scandinavian and Swiss economies and their property markets in Q1. It was a record first quarter for investment in Scandinavia. And annual capital value growth was robust for office and industrial, while retail values …
Upside surprises to inflation coupled with a hawkish Fed have prompted aggressive monetary policy responses by central banks across the emerging world over the past month. Policymakers in Czechia , Romania, Chile and Egypt raised interest rates by more …
23rd May 2022
The Bank of Japan’s attempt to relieve pressure on the Yield Curve Control framework by offering to buy an unlimited amount of 10-year Japanese government bonds (JGBs) at yields of 0.25% for as long as necessary appears to have done the trick so far. …
Setting aside the drag from net exports on GDP growth, Q1 was another strong quarter for both the domestic economy and commercial real estate markets, highlighted by a record first quarter for investment volumes. But occupier demand is slowing in all four …
20th May 2022
CEE economies and property markets started the year on a solid footing. Strong quarterly increases in office and industrial rents supported CEE all-property values in Q1, though yield compression slowed. (See Chart 1.) However, rental growth is likely to …
19th May 2022
The strength of the hard activity data for April refutes the recent message from financial markets that the economy is at risk of imminent recession. The solid gain in control group retail sales, together with upward revisions to past months leaves the …
18th May 2022
Euro-zone commercial property values made further gains in Q1. Quarterly rental growth was strongest for industrial, though office and retail rents also rose. However, the pace of yield compression reduced, limiting capital value growth. (See Chart 1.) …
We now expect Australia’s inflation to rise by more than 6% this year. Even allowing for an acceleration in earnings growth and a further solid rise in employment as immigration resumes, that will result in the first annual fall in real household …
17th May 2022
Just as policymakers at the ECB are becoming more concerned about inflation expectations (see here ), the rise in expectations in Sweden is giving the Riksbank plenty to fret about too. The Bank’s preferred measure – gleaned from a survey of money market …
13th May 2022
Recent data have shown the firmest evidence yet that high inflation is damaging real consumer spending in advanced economies. Real retail sales fell in the US, UK, and euro-zone in March, while increases in Australia and Japan reflected temporary rebounds …
The weaker economic outlook triggered by the surge in CPI inflation to a 30-year high of 7.0% in March has yet to put a dent in businesses own expectations for their selling prices. The Bank of England’s Decision Maker Panel survey found that in April …
10th May 2022
The rise in mortgage rates, to a 12-year high in mid-April, is now starting to weigh on housing market activity, with new and existing home sales falling back over the past couple of months. (See Chart 1.) With rates set to increase to 5.6% by mid-2023, …
The latest data suggest that the increase in inflation is becoming more broad-based and persistent. While headline inflation only edged up in April, the core measure jumped to 3.5%. A range of alternative measures of underlying inflation, including our …
5th May 2022
Central banks across the region have recently turned more hawkish. Over the past month or so, policymakers in Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, India and Pakistan have all tightened policy. Governor Benjamin Diokno in the Philippines has also hinted …
29th April 2022
President Xi has reportedly told officials to ensure that China’s real GDP growth exceeds that of the US this year. This is likely to happen on paper. The published data usually confirm that growth targets have been met and the official target this year …
Our new forecasts that inflation will stay higher for longer and that the labour market will remain tight into 2023 (see here ) suggests that Bank Rate will rise to a peak of 3.00% next year rather than the peak of 2.50% currently priced into the markets. …
Tighter global monetary conditions and spillovers from the war in Ukraine have caused public debt problems to worsen in several emerging markets, and the MENA region is not immune to this. Within the region, Tunisia’s public debt position is most fragile …
28th April 2022
The key policy development this month was the introduction of a new Standing Deposit Facility (SDF), through which the RBI will drain excess banking sector liquidity. The SDF now provides the floor for the interest rate corridor, previously set by the …
Surging commodity prices have pushed up inflation across the region and we expect inflation to hit fresh multi-year highs in the coming months. A loss of Russian gas supplies should not lead to rationing in Poland, but it will have a big impact in …
Fiscal positions across Sub-Saharan Africa have been a persistent source of concern since the onset of the pandemic – and in some cases, even before. And the commodity price moves resulting from the war in Ukraine will be unfavourable for public finances …
Inflation continues to march higher in Latin America, most recently driven by surging food prices owing to poor domestic weather conditions and rising global agricultural prices. This has led to unrest in Peru, and there is growing political pressure to …
27th April 2022
The further fall in the unemployment rate in March, to a multi-decade low of 5.3%, raises the risk that a sharp acceleration in wage growth will exacerbate inflationary pressures, at a time when consumer price inflation is already approaching 7%. Business …
The latest monthly MSCI figures indicate that commercial property is holding up well. Rental growth rose further in March, while annual total returns matched July 2010 levels, which were the highest since Q3 1994. Industrial continues to be the driving …
22nd April 2022
The perfect storm of surging commodity prices due to the war in Ukraine and the hawkish shift by major DM central banks has pushed a few frontier markets to the brink of sovereign default . Sri Lanka has already announced the suspension of debt payments …
Despite the permanent increase in working from home, the end of pandemic restrictions has triggered a resurgence in demand in London’s rental and house purchase markets. Annual inflation in the ONS House Price Index for London has already risen from 3.8% …
Inflation is surging in both Australia and New Zealand. That is putting pressure on central banks to hike interest rates to slow the economy and curb inflation. But both the RBNZ and the RBA highlighted waning consumer confidence at their April meeting. …
21st April 2022
While we are confident that inflation will fall back sharply in the second half of this year, that will not stop the Fed delivering a series of 50bp rate hikes at its upcoming meetings. Although gasoline prices have stabilised this month, though the surge …
20th April 2022