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The spreads of sovereign dollar bonds over US Treasuries are in distressed territory in almost a third of EMs covered in the JP Morgan EMBI Index, with the majority of those being frontier markets. In this note, we answer five key questions on default …
3rd August 2022
There has been plenty of doom and gloom surrounding the outlook for frontier economies over recent months, particularly Sri Lanka and Tunisia. But there are some places where we hold more upbeat views. Frontier economies in the Gulf will benefit from high …
12th May 2022
Sovereign dollar bond spreads have widened significantly in several Frontiers over the past couple of months, driven largely by country-specific factors. There are reasons to be hopeful that outright sovereign defaults can be avoided in Ukraine and Ghana, …
3rd February 2022
The precipitous decline in Sri Lanka’s foreign exchange reserves means the risk of a near-term sovereign debt default is increasing. Elsewhere, Tunisia also stands out on account of its public debt problems. Fiscal challenges look severe in Ghana, Oman …
11th November 2021
The disbursement of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) from the IMF later this month is a boon for some Frontier Markets that face very high borrowing costs. But beyond this, it is hard to find many positives for Frontiers. The spread of the Delta variant, …
10th August 2021
Extended delays to vaccine supply from India to the Covax facility will keep rollout in many Frontier Markets stuck in first gear. Social distancing measures will have to stay in place for longer, holding back economic recoveries, and the risk of renewed …
21st May 2021