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This dashboard tracks medium-term inflation expectations in the US, euro-zone and UK. In a world where the Phillips curve is flat, inflation expectations become the key driver of actual inflation over the medium term. But getting a true handle on …
This dashboard shows our latest national sector-level commercial real estate forecasts for the next five years, as well as summary forecasts for a handful of core macroeconomic variables. If you have subscriber access to the data underlying this …
This interactive dashboard allows you to explore our long-term macroeconomic forecasts for the world's largest economies, including GDP growth, inflation and policy rates. If you have subscriber access to the data underlying this dashboard, you can …
This dashboard brings together our MSCI-basis commercial real estate forecasts for the euro-zone, UK and US and also compares the global commercial real estate outlook with our forecasts for the other major asset classes across developed markets. If you …
This dashboard contains our forecasts for the US housing market and key macro indicators. If you have subscriber access to the data underlying this redesigned dashboard, you can download it via the menu options in the top right of each chart or table. If …
This dashboard gives a holistic overview of financial conditions across major developed economies. It presents our proprietary financial conditions indices (FCIs) as well as a selection of input variables used in our FCIs. Our FCIs indicate the ease with …
Our underlying inflation indicators measure core inflation by tracking common changes across broad baskets of CPI components. Our underlying inflation measures use dynamic factor models to identify the common changes in prices from very broad baskets of …