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Drop-In: Europe Economic Outlook – Germany’s return to stagnation

Germany is heading for a second technical recession in as many years, France’s new prime minister has inherited an intractable public finance problem, and the ECB is planning to lower interest rates only gradually as the euro-zone economy struggles.

Our new quarterly Outlook report explores the key growth and policy challenges facing Europe, with analysis and forecasts highlighting the struggles within its largest economies, but also some brighter spots where investors can expect outperformance. 

Join our Europe team for an online briefing about this latest Outlook and what it has to say about the direction of European growth and interest rates. During this session, which will last for around 20 minutes, the team will be answering your questions as they address key issues, including:

  • Why the German economy is stalling again and what’s needed to revive it;
  •  What ongoing political uncertainty means for the French economy;
  • How quickly the ECB – and SNB – will lower interest rates. 
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