We’re aware that the turbulence in global financial markets over the past week has made it difficult to keep track of our various publications. With this in mind, I thought it would be useful to highlight a few key pieces that you may have missed. If you would like to see any to these then drop me an email.
- Mark Williams investigates whether it’s possible to contain the virus without causing economic pain.
- Our UK team does a fantastic job of deconstructing yesterday’s blockbuster budget.
- Vicky Redwood analyses the growing threat of deflation and the capacity of policymakers to respond.
- Our EM team assess how big a drop in oil prices Russia and Saudi Arabia can tolerate – and our commodities team fleshes out the implications for energy markets and explains why this time is different.
- David Oxley investigates the threat posed by the virus to Swiss re-insurers.
- Our asset allocation team asks whether the sell-off over the past few days means that equities are now cheap relative to government bonds.
- Last (and justifiably least), I ask whether an economic crisis will morph into a banking crisis (conclusion: focus on developments in Italy).
Finally, we have launched a Daily Coronavirus Alert, which delivers the latest charts and key research to your inbox every day. It’s free and easy to register – sign up here.
If we can be of any help over the coming days and weeks or if you have any unanswered questions, do let me know.