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  • Bachelors degree, University and course: Australian National University, Economics and International Relations
  • Masters degree, University and course: 
  • Capital Economics Graduate Scheme, applicable dates: 2023 - Present

Why did you apply to join the Capital Economics graduate scheme?

When selecting a graduate scheme I wanted to find a company that valued the learning and development of junior staff. I found the capital economics program appealing because the option to do a funded part time masters and regular training made it clear that they would prioritise my growth as an economist. I also liked the idea of rotating through four teams as it would make me more well-rounded and allow me to discover my interests.

What have you worked on while on the graduate scheme?

I have been on the Global and Europe Economics teams so far. I have written pieces on a wide range of topics including the European Election, debt sustainability and business surveys. I also assisted with the creation of our shipping dashboard following attacks in the Red Sea.