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Education history

A Levels:  Further Mathematics, Mathematics, Economics and Chemistry

Bachelor’s degree: BSc Mathematics with Economics

Dates of employment: July 2023-August 2023

Why did you apply to join the Capital Economics intern scheme?

I chose to apply to the Capital Economics intern scheme to explore my interest within Economics, gain industry experience within the field of advisory and understand the process through which Capital Economics provides valuable economic insights to their clients. I wanted to broaden my knowledge within Economics and its applications whilst also developing core skills such as communication, strategic thinking, and accuracy.

What have you worked on while on the scheme?

Throughout my internship, I was working on the Consultancy team where I had the opportunity to contribute on a range of different projects for clients. For a large part of the scheme, I worked on helping to create the AI Index for Capital Economics’ Spotlight series. I was involved in finding indicators and completing data collection for the index whilst also being a part of deciding pillars and discussing the methodology of creating the index. Alongside this,  I also assisted in writing monthly and quarterly reports for clients on topics such as the UK housing market and the Eurozone as well as completing literature review on Sweden’s Commercial Real Estate sector for a project.  In addition, I had the opportunity to shadow other teams such as the Commodities and Emerging Markets team where I observed the range of work and approaches taken by different economists for their particular fields.

What is the most rewarding or surprising aspect of your role at Capital Economics?

The most rewarding aspect of my role was being able to contribute to the AI Index for the AI Spotlight series which was a significant project being worked on across the company. Having received positive feedback on the outcome of the AI index from the other economists and being aware that the index is on a relevant topic which is likely to be revisited in the future, has made this a very rewarding experience. The friendly culture and enthusiasm of everyone working at Capital Economics has further contributed to creating a great experience for me.