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  • Bachelors degree, University and course: Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering
  • Masters degree, University and course: Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM), Goethe University, M.Sc. in Quantitative Economics
  • Capital Economics Graduate Scheme, applicable dates: September 2023 -present

Why did you apply to join the Capital Economics graduate scheme?

I had read the opinions of the economists at Capital Economics feature in the media and also became familiar with their podcast prior to applying. The economists at the company had many qualities I aspired to, with the main one being that regardless of the complexity of the topics being discussed, they were able to strip out as much jargon as possible and deliver a thorough analysis in a straightforward and engaging manner. I knew that this would be a good place to start my career as a macroeconomist, and the graduate scheme appealed to me as being able to rotate across four different teams would allow me to develop a well-rounded skillset.

What have you worked on while on the graduate scheme?

My first rotation was in the financial markets team, followed by coverage of Emerging Asia, with a focus on the economies of Korea, Indonesia and Malaysia. During my second rotation, I have also written for the India service. The majority of my work in emerging markets has been on forecasting inflation and monetary policy, but I have also written about the property sector, consumer spending and capital controls.