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Capital Economics Roundtable

London: In-person event

UK Economic and Markets Outlook

What to expect in the post-election landscape

Thursday 12th September 

Myo St Paul’s, One New Change, London EC4M 9AF

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The UK will return from summer holidays with its economy under new management. Having won by a landslide, Keir Starmer's Labour party is now charged with steering an economy that’s just emerging from the sharpest inflation surge in a generation, that’s struggling with some of the lowest productivity rates in the developed world and that’s facing an increasingly complex global environment.

How much faith should investors have in a new government’s ability to steer the economy and fix its deep-seated problems, and what returns can they expect from UK financial markets?

We’re holding a special in-person event in London on Thursday, 12th September to explore the outlook for the UK economy and markets. This hour-long session will be your opportunity to hear from our UK macro and markets economists about what lies ahead for the UK, to get answers to your questions, to meet the wider Capital Economics team and to network with peers from your industry.

During a short presentation and a longer panel discussion, you’ll hear about the key issues facing the UK post-election, including:

- Whether the economy will help or hinder the new government;

- How fiscal policy will influence the economic outlook;

- Whether a new government can push through the UK’s much-needed structural reforms.

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